Covid positive during pregnancy? Here’s what you need to know.

15 Sep

Covid positive during pregnancy? Here’s what you need to know.

The outbreak of Coronavirus in 2020 has made a significant impact on everyone’s life. As people question the chances of getting Covid-19, there is one group of people that everyone is worried about: pregnant women.
If you are expecting a child, we have compiled a list of everything you need to know about being Covid during pregnancy.
Are pregnant women more likely to contract Covid?
No, no data suggests pregnant women are more likely to contract Covid. Therefore, the chances of a pregnant woman being covid positive are the same as any other person. However, pregnancy is known to alter the immune system of the body to accommodate the child. Therefore, pregnant women may show more severe symptoms of Covid than the general population.
The risk of getting other strands of Covid (MERS and SARS) is higher for pregnant women. While there have been early births in such cases, there is no data to showcase that these are because of the infection.
Pregnant women with heart conditions are at a greater risk. While there is no data to correlate heart disease in pregnant women with infections, they recommend taking special care.
Is it possible for the baby to get Covid if the mother is Covid positive?
Emerging evidence suggests that Covid can be transmitted from mother to baby. At present, there are no recorded cases of a child getting covid due to breastmilk. At present, there are no records that these cases of vaginal secretion are being covid positive. However, as new evidence emerges, more light will be shed on this data.
What is the risk of miscarriage among covid positive pregnant women?
There is no data that suggest being covid positive may lead to miscarriage or loss of pregnancy. Being covid positive is not accepted reasoning for medical termination of pregnancy (abortion).
At the same time, no other effects on the baby have been recorded. Long-term data is awaited, and it will provide more insight. However, this may change from case to case.
What steps should a pregnant woman follow to ensure she is not covid positive?
As recommended by ICMR, to reduce the chances of infection, please follow the steps given below:
  1. Increase social distancing wherever possible.
  2. If possible, remain in contact only with immediate family members.
  3. Increase hand hygiene and hygiene in immediate surroundings.

What hygiene steps should be followed?
To reduce chances of infection, hand and bodily hygiene should be followed by pregnant women and all people she comes in contact with. This includes washing hands with a sanitizer that contains at least 60% and a maximum of 95% alcohol. There is no specific brand or sanitizer recommended as long as it follows the above quantity of alcohol.
Hands should also be washed for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If hands have visible stains of mud, dirt, food, etc., hands should be washed for a longer period. Once washed, hands should always be sanitized with a sanitizer.
Which symptoms do covid positive pregnant women show?
The symptoms among covid positive pregnant women are similar to those among the general population. Pregnant women may show no or mild symptoms of coronavirus. However, it is possible to develop more severe symptoms if proper medical attention is not received.
If severe symptoms of coronavirus are noticed, you should contact the maternity care team in the nearest hospital immediately. It is recommended that you visit a hospital if you have a fever of over 38 C and have noticed respiratory symptoms.
Do I need to reduce the number of visits with my maternity doctor?
It is not advised to take any decision without a professional opinion. If you wish to reduce the number of visits with your maternity doctor, you should seek their advice before deciding. The answer to this may depend on your health, your child’s health, and the trimester you are in.
Visits to the maternity doctor should not be delayed more than three weeks in a positive test. If you are in home quarantine, you can delay your visit for up to 14 days and not more. If you have been tested positive and are in-home quarantine, it is recommended to have a fetal scan after 14 days.

When do I need to be admitted to the hospital?
Pregnant women need to be placed under observation to the hospital if they are showing symptoms of coronavirus. This includes a fever above 38 C and respiratory symptoms in pregnant women. If their Covid test returns negative, they can remain in home isolation for 14 days. However, if the covid test is positive, it is recommended to be hospitalized in a tertiary care unit.
The tertiary care center will monitor heart rate, blood pressure, chest imaging, and temperature. The center will also monitor fetal growth and provide antibiotic treatment. If the symptoms are reduced, or the test comes back negative, the patient can stay in home isolation for 14 days.
Will I be separated from the baby after birth?
It is recommended to keep both mother and baby in temporary separation if you have tested positive for coronavirus. However, if you have tested negative for coronavirus, you may still practice social distancing with the baby.
The decision to discontinue temporary separation is made on a case-to-case basis. Therefore, the final decision will be made by your doctor. The decision will be taken after you and your baby have taken a covid test. However, the decision does not solely depend upon the test.
These are the top questions asked by covid positive pregnant women. While many factors can affect your health, it is recommended to practice hygiene and social distancing. A good medical professional’s advice can help you stay safe and secure. It is recommended that you talk to your doctor regularly and ensure to ask them questions if you notice any unusual symptoms.