Eye Care and Symptom Management

29 Jan

Eye Care and Symptom Management

It is common to experience discomfort or irritation in the eye. Like any other body part, the eyes also suffer the effects of ageing. The effects described may not be too serious, but it is in your best interest to monitor your symptoms as they could result from something serious. Eye diseases are quite uncomfortable and if they’re unaddressed, visual loss can occur.  If you stay vigilant and monitor your ocular health, you can significantly reduce your chances of vision loss.
Now, not every little thing needs to be stressed over. Some changes can occur because of ageing or can be easily fixed with a pair of glasses. Some other symptoms can indicate a much larger underlying issue that would require a way more invasive treatment. With advancement in technology and lifestyle come new problems. In this digital age, the average screen time has gone up manifold not for adults alone but children too. This type of continuous exposure can cause long-term problems including dry eyes, eye diseases or retina damage regardless of age.
How to tell the difference between simple irritation or a vision-threatening disease? If you begin to experience the signs and symptoms listed below, you should contact your eye doctor immediately. Major developments in the health sector have allowed us to analyse the common symptoms of vision-threatening eye diseases early and keep up our ocular health. As stated by the National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey India (2015-19), there has been a decrease in the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment in people over the age of 50. The information given below should help determine the severity of your problems:
Symptoms of common eye diseases
It is essential to monitor your ocular health. In case of any issues, your doctor can help chart an eye care solution to treat your symptoms, preventing any major problems if left untreated.
The appearance of red eyes may occur due to various eye conditions, even injuries. Redness may lead to excessive irritation, swelling, even possible vision loss. The whites of the eyes appear pink or red because of the inflamed blood vessels in your eyes. If redness persists for an extended period, schedule an appointment with your eye doctor.
Symptoms are associated with:
  • Blepharitis
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Eye Allergies
Night Blindness
Night blindness is the inability to see well at night or in low light conditions like movie theatres. You can determine if you suffer from night blindness if you find it difficult to adapt from a well-illuminated environment to a poorly lit one. Some eye problems can hinder your ability to adjust your vision.
Symptoms are associated with:

Cataracts cause clouding in the lenses of the eye. The lenses of the eye are naturally transparent. Cataracts create a foggy film that obstructs vision which can make reading, driving, and other activities extremely difficult, especially at night.
-          Nystagmus
-          Retinitis Pigmentosa

A typical headache refers to pain in the head, face, and neck region. Headaches may be indicative of stress. Depending on the cause, the pain can be in a specific area. The type and level of pain can also 
defer. It could be a sharp or dull pain or at times, you may experience a throbbing sensation in one part of your head. Severe headaches cannot be treated using over-the-counter medications. It is important to consult a doctor to prevent any unwelcome surprises stemming from a common headache.
Symptoms are associated with:
Glaucoma is an abnormal eye condition in which the optic nerve, which is necessary for optimal vision, is damaged. The high pressure in the eye causes the damage. There are various types of glaucoma two of the most common include:
  1. Open-Angle Glaucoma: Open-angle glaucoma can be so slow and painless that you may not notice it for years together. Often caused by a clog in the fluid draining system of the eye, increasing pressure.
  2. Angle-Closure Glaucoma: In this case, the angle from where the fluids must drain is narrow, which inherently causes a blockage. The pressure inside the eye quickly rises as a result of the occlusion.
  • Refractive Error
  • Migraine
  • Photokeratitis
You may have noticed specks, dots, or lines in your field of vision occasionally. They are shadows of clumps of cells cast over the retina, giving floating particles' appearance. Floaters are harmless as long as they disappear over time.

Symptoms are associated with:
Diabetic complications within our system cause diabetic retinopathy. Blood vessels that 
support the retina are affected, causing problems with vision.
  • Eye Lymphoma
  • Torn or Detached Retina
  • Posterior Vitreous Detachment
  • Uveitis
Blurred/Distorted vision
Blurred or distorted vision can be the reason for a range of eye problems. You should be alarmed if there is a sudden or significant change in your vision. In such a case, it is vital to consult an eye doctor immediately.
Symptoms are associated with:
Macular degeneration occurs when the central part of the retina called the macula starts to wear out.
  • Astigmatism
  • Cataracts
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
Light sensitivity
If bright lights hurt your eyes or make you uncomfortable, you might have photophobia or light sensitivity. Although light sensitivity can be a common symptom of many different eye conditions, it is good to monitor your symptoms to check the severity of the issue.
Symptoms are associated with:
A superficial scratch on the cornea causes a corneal abrasion. Abrasion can occur due to dust, sand, or contact lenses rubbed against the eye.
  • Cataracts
  • Allergies
  • Keratoconus
  • Migraine
  • Strabismus
Flashes may seem like streaks of light in your field of vision. You may have heard the phrase "seeing stars" after a head injury. These types of flashing lights may occur temporarily. It is normal to experience flashes for a short while. Flashes can be experienced due to pulling the cornea or rubbing the fluids inside the eye.
Symptoms are associated with:
  • Detached or Torn Retina
Retinal detachment occurs when the retina moves from its natural position. This movement causes the retinal cells to separate from the blood vessels that carry oxygen to the retina.
If you are experiencing any changes in your vision, it is important to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Symptoms can get aggravated quickly and lead to blindness. Monitoring any sudden or significant changes is imperative as early intervention can save your vision.