

The stroboscopy test is a kind of test that uses a rapidly flashing light for diagnosing the larynx and the vocal cords. This larynx is also known as the voice box. This quick test helps to examine some underlying voice issues like hoarseness. 
Our vocal cord is the main cause of our voice production. It has a layer on the top of it that moves like a wave. This layer vibrates during our voice production rapidly. When vocal cords are diagnosed with the stroboscopy test under the efficient endoscopic procedure, it helps to find out each finer detail of our vocal cord easily.
What is the cause of performing a stroboscopy test?
There are a lot of reasons for which a doctor may advise performing a stroboscopy test. This stroboscopy is used to look for various causes of voice problems like: 
  • Loss of voice. It mainly occurs due to laryngitis that is associated with a painful cough and severe breathing problems.
  • To detect Hoarseness without any clear reason and solution.
  • To check the reason for the difficulty in breathing or respiratory distress exists.
  • To detect the cause of Hemoptysis (Presence of blood in the sputum).
  • Laryngeal cancer.
  • It helps to diagnose vocal cord nodules, cysts, and polyps’ issues.
  • Stroboscopy test may appear to be helpful regarding vocal cord paralysis.
  • It also helps to keep an eye on the effectiveness of various treatments related to laryngeal pathologies.
Remedy Group offers advanced infrastructures and modern stroboscopy scopes to perform a quality test at their hospital. We use different kinds of stroboscopy scopes, named the rigid scope and flexible thin scope, which provide better, more detailed image quality.
All the top-notch facilities and experienced medical staff at Remedy Hospital are always dedicated to the betterment of our patients. You will get skillful physicians and proficient clinicians to deliver the best quality stroboscopy test results in time.

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