Remedy Hospital’s critical care unit is equipped with special quality beds for the patients. All of these beds are motorized and designed with the latest technologies so that it can be easy to observe the hemodynamic parameters of the patients. This intense monitoring helps our doctors and other medical staff to provide the best quality treatments to all of our patients. Moreover, the Remedy group has included a High Dependency Unit that serves patients with life-threatening diseases or injuries. Our 24x7 hours' intense care and continuous monitoring are effective enough for our patients’ quicker recovery. Some of our special emergency units are as follows.
Intensive Critical Care Unit (ICCU):
Our excellent ICCU team has neurologists, physicians of internal medicine, technicians, nurses, cardiologists to give special care and appropriate treatment to our patients. As mentioned previously, all the ICCU beds are designed with high-end technology to offer the best quality comfort to the patients. Moreover, we have included modern accessories like ICP monitors, IAP monitors, ventilators, and computerized tomography scanners in our critical care services to support our patients at their best. You can avail of 24x7 ultrasonography, MRI, ECG, transthoracic echo services in our hospital at any time you need them.
High Dependency Unit (HDU):
In Remedy Hospital’s high dependency unit, all the patients get intense care and quality treatment from our proficient doctors, nurses, and other medical staff. Patients are transferred into the HDU unit after they got stabilized condition in the critical care unit. We provide intense monitoring, continuous diagnosis, and emergency medicines to our patients in the HDU unit. Furthermore, intensive care and nursing are dedicated to the patients who need more attention for their recovery.
Remedy Hospital’s emergency units are 24xy available for patients with severe complications and diseases. Never hesitate to contact our helpdesk if any critical situation occurs. We are always here to assist you with our best.